The Brand Factor Returns Policy

  1. Goods may be returned within 10 days from the date received provided they are
    • Returned in the same condition and packaging as they were when purchased. 
    • Returned at the returner’s transport expense.
    • Returned with pockets if pockets were supplied with the garments.
    • Returned with swing tickets attached and the item should not be worn or used. 
    • Accompanied by an original (or Copy) of the Tax Invoice.
    • Transported back to The Brand Factor at your cost.
  2. The sample return period may be extended with Head Office approval. A handling fee may be imposed on this.
  3. Returns cannot be refunded in cash. An Electronic Fund Transfer will be processed instead, alternatively your account can be credited.
  4. Products returned due to faulty workmanship or material will be accepted within 6 months of the date of purchase provided that:
    • You agree to keep the ‘defective’ product in its original condition for us to inspect and run laboratory tests.
    • You agree to provide us with information on how the ‘defective’ product has been used.
    • We have the right to refuse this return should we find this product has been misused, abused, modified or used unsuitably
    • We reserve the right to repair the product
    • Returns are subject to our standard terms and conditions as above